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Training in Interpersonal Communication

This course is a rare opportunity to explore your personality and the way you interact with others in an open and reflective atmosphere. The training is suitable both for first-timers and people with previous experience from Acem's communication courses.

YOUR FIRST COMMUNICATION COURSE IN ACEM? If so, your course fee is reduced by NOK 2000.

The benefits of this personal growth experience will be felt in your professional and private life. The course provides opportunities to enhance:

  •  empathy and sensitivity
  •  interpersonal social skills
  •  leadership qualities
  •  conflict management
  •  understanding of group-dynamics
  •  self-knowledge

Communication courses of this kind have been developed in Scandinavia since 1970 by medical doctors and psychologists with an interest in Acem Meditation and self-understanding.

Each communication group has 6-9 participants and 1-2 leaders, and meets for two daily sessions throughout the course. The open and reflective atmosphere provides an opportunity to explore and develop the way you interact with others, as well as your listening skills. It is a means to obtain a deeper understanding of your personality and its formative events. The focus is sometimes on group interaction and sometimes on individual issues and personality.

In addition to the group meetings with the facilitator, the communication groups also have meetings and activities that do not involve the facilitators. At those meetings the participants may rate each other regarding their contributions to the group process and its likes. Some evenings, informal social gatherings are arranged. Daily, the participants hand in self-reports and inventories. Diary writing is also included in the programme. Towards the end of the training course, there will be plenary sessions, and the keys to the interpretations of the inventories will be discussed.  

Typical daily programme 

 0815 - 0915 Breakfast
 0930 - 1200 Communication groups
 1215 - 1300 Lunch
 1315 - 1615 Work tasks, walk, self-evaluation
 1615 - 1745 Communication groups
 1800 - 1930 Dinner
 1930 - 2115 Self-activated groups
 2130 - Social gathering, Diary and daily report
 Ca. 2300 Good night

Interviews with previous participants
